Seguridad en NMN: Posibles efectos secundarios y preocupaciones

Andrew Salzman MD

Verificado médicamente por Andrew Salzman MDAndrew Salzman es profesor, médico, inventor y empresario biomédico con más de 30 años de experiencia en el descubrimiento y desarrollo de fármacos.

Escrito por The Wonderfeel Team

La ciencia de la longevidad ha dejado claro que el NMN, o mononucleótido de nicotinamida, está haciendo maravillas. Su fama viene de su capacidad para estimular el NAD en nuestras células, algo bastante importante. Dado que el NAD es conocido como el motor fundamental de nuestra salud y una sustancia que comienza a declinar a medida que envejecemos, no es exagerado llamar al NMN uno de los mayores avances científicos de nuestro tiempo. Pero, se pone mejor. Hasta la fecha, ningún estudio o evidencia anecdótica ha insinuado ningún tipo de riesgo para la salud o efectos secundarios desagradables asociados al NMN. Si te preguntas acerca de la seguridad del NMN, todo está bien.

Effects of NMN supplements: What research tells us

Una combinación de estudios en roedores y humanos ha reportado aproximadamente cero señales de alerta cuando se trata de preocupaciones de seguridad (y toneladas de excelentes noticias para combatir las características del envejecimiento). Revisemos:

  • Un estudio de toxicidad clínica en humanos realizado en la Universidad de Keio en 2020 se centró específicamente en seguridad y concluyó que el NMN se puede administrar de forma segura a las personas. Los participantes del estudio tomaron una dosis diaria de 100, 250 o 500 mg de NMN durante un período de tres años, sin efectos secundarios negativos en mediciones fisiológicas como la frecuencia cardíaca o la presión arterial.
  • En 2021, un ensayo clínico analizó los efectos del NMN y el ejercicio en corredores aficionados durante una prueba de seis semanas. Había tres grupos de dosis de 300 mg, 600 y 1200 mg por día. Si bien este ensayo no se centró en la seguridad, no hubo efectos secundarios negativos en ninguna dosis. Por cierto, lo más importante aquí fue que la capacidad aeróbica mejoró en los grupos medio y alto, lo que promedia 900 mg diarios como dosis óptima de NMN.
  • Otro ensayo clínico de la Universidad de Tokio del 2021 analizó el impacto de 250 mg de NMN al día durante 12 semanas en pacientes. Se observaron una serie de mejoras, pero nuevamente, no hubo efectos secundarios negativos.
  • Un ensayo clínico de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington también analizó los efectos de 250 mg de NMN por día, esta vez durante un período de 10 semanas. Las mujeres mayores que participaron en este ensayo vieron mejoras notables en su salud.
  • Uno de los más recientes ensayos clínicos – los resultados se publicarán en 2022 – administró placebo y dosis de 300, 600 y 900 mg a personas de cuatro grupos. No se observaron signos de toxicidad en ninguna cantidad, y aquellos en el grupo de 900 mg experimentaron los efectos más positivos. 
  • Un 2022 safety evaluation of multiple clinical trials looked at the effects of taking 1,250 mg of NMN daily for four weeks on a group of healthy adult men and women. The results showed that this amount of NMN was safe to consume and did not cause any side effects or unwanted changes in their health.

¿Puedo tomar 2000 mg de NMN?

En un ensayo clínico led by Professor David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School in 2023 with people aged 55 to 80, it was found that taking NMN, even in large amounts including 2000 mg every day, is safe and doesn’t cause any major side effects. For two weeks, the participants took either 1000 mg of a special type of NMN called MIB-626 once or twice a day, or just a dummy pill. The results were pretty clear: no one, even those taking the largest doses, experienced any type of bad reactions, confirming that our bodies handle NMN really well. This is great news because it confirms that NMN is safe for us to use in studies and might help with various health issues.

También hay varios estudios con roedores en los que la administración de dosis incluso altas de NMN no muestran ninugna toxicidad ni efectos secundarios. Esto es notable, porque una dosis alta de casi cualquier medicamento en ratones casi siempre causa efectos secundarios inmediatos. El hecho de que el NMN no plantee ningún problema puede considerarse bastante tranquilizador.

Finally, let’s check in with the experts in the field. According to Harvard professor David Sinclair, the aforementioned leading authority in NMN and NAD science, “"se están realizando estudios en humanos con potenciadores de NAD y, hasta ahora, no ha habido toxicidad, ni siquiera una pizca de ella”.

Aquí en Wonderfeel, nuestro director médico, Profesor Andrew Salzman, un médico de Harvard cuyos descubrimientos innovadores dieron lugar a más de cincuenta nuevos tratamientos médicos, confirma que el NMN es una molécula muy segura para que los humanos la tomen como suplemento.

Debunking myths: NMN and cancer concerns

Actualmente no hay indicios ni artículos de investigación que sugieran que el NMN pueda causar cáncer. Por el contrario, los investigadores han demostrado que la suplementación con NAD puede ayudar a combatir los tumores cancerosos al aumentar la eficacia de las células inmunitarias que combaten el cáncer, ya que cuando se activan consumen más NAD. consume more NAD—even while NAD in non-cancerous cells may likewise become depleted. It highlights the value of supplementing with NAD precursor, since it’s not a stretch to imagine that a decline in NAD has a detrimental effect on the body’s anti-tumor immunity, which opens the door to cancer growth.

Treatments for cancer, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, can affect DNA repair in cancerous and normal cells alike, which also leads to an increase in NAD consumption. For elderly patients, in particular battling the effects of both aging and cancer, NMN supplementation is proving a promising strategy to counteract the risks associated with a significant drop in NAD. A 2024 study looked at NAD concentrations in 99 patients with eight different types of cancer. Following surgery, NAD levels for most patients remained relatively stable, but decreased the following day and began exhibiting a recovery trend. But those with liver and pancreatic cancer had poor postoperative NAD recovery, and researchers noted the potential for a cancer type-specific influence on the metabolizing of NAD and the need for personalized NAD supplementation strategies.

However, it’s important to note the obvious here—cancer cells themselves require a lot of energy to grow and divide, and hence they demand more NAD. It’s been observed that various types of cancer cells rely on metabolic pathways which are regulated by NAD. In one small scale study, researchers fed nicotinamide riboside, or NR, to mice that have tumors and observed that both cancer and non-cancer cells consume NR as expected. There has been a small scale study with mice that have tumors where the researchers fed NR to mice, and observed that both cancer and non-cancer cells consume NR as expected. A recent estudio de 2022, explica este concepto examinando la demanda de nutrición metabólica, -no específica de NR, mostrando cómo las células sanas y el cáncer consumen los mismos nutrientes.

On the other hand, if you’re concerned that NMN supplements might somehow increase one’s risk of cancer, here’s the big takeaway: There is no evidence to suggest this scenario. And as another recent paper concluye que la suplementación con NMN puede emplearse como terapias adyuvantes para combatir los tumores cancerosos.

¿El NMN es tóxico para el hígado?

The liver is an incredible, if wildly underrated, organ. But it’s just as susceptible to the ravages of time as the rest of us. Because its ability to metabolize substances declines with age, drug dosages for older adults are typically decreased. So what about NMN? Is NMN toxic to the liver, especially as we age? On the contrary, NMN has shown beneficios potenciales for liver health, countering the very idea of toxicity. NMN supplementation aids in reducing both collagen deposits and problematic liver enzymes and prevents scar tissue build-up, which is crucial for maintaining liver function as we age. In a delightful twofer, promising research supports the role of NMN in enhancing liver health and aligns with Wonderfeel’s commitment to healthy aging and overall wellness.

¿El NMN es seguro durante el embarazo?

You really can’t be too cautious when you’re pregnant. After all, this is a life stage when you’re looking at soft cheeses with great suspicion. While investigaciones finds that NMN has been reported as effective for fertility treatment in some users, it’s important to proceed with caution when considering its safety during pregnancy. 

Currently, there is no research available on the effects of NMN in pregnant individuals. We strongly recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before introducing new supplements of any kind during pregnancy, NMN included. That’s the safest, smartest way to make the right decisions for mom and baby alike.

Is NMN safe for dogs?

The effects of time are perhaps nowhere as clear as they are in man’s best friend. Anyone who has ever loved and lost a dog knows that their lives are far too short. And if NMN supplementation is so powerful for humans, is there a chance it could benefit our furry friends as well? The jury is still out, but recent research, including a ensayo clínico de Front Pharmacol, indican que los perros pueden tolerar bien el NMN cuando se administra correctamente. 

The research focused on the subacute toxicity of NMN in mice and beagle dogs, assessing its effects when administered orally. In this study, the dogs showed only mild increases in certain blood markers with no significant adverse effects, suggesting that NMN could be safe for dogs. Of course, every dog is unique, and we recommend consulting with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplement to your dog’s routine. Dogs can be sensitive to dietary changes, and talking it out with your vet ensures that any decision made is tailored to your pet’s specific health needs. Just like toting along compostable poop bags, it’s the responsible pet owner thing to do!

Evaluating the safety of long-term NMN supplementation

La investigación to date says yes, long-term NMN supplement is not only safe but well tolerated and effective. But “long term” itself is somewhat subjective—12 weeks? Twelve years? Fifty years? As NMN is the latest, greatest breakthrough in longevity medicine, we don’t yet have the insights that decades of research will bring. What we hacer have, however, are countless studies with the same conclusion regarding NMN’s high safety profile and the insights of brilliant scientific minds like Sinclair and Salzman. At the risk of repetition, let us revisit what Sinclair himself has said: "se están realizando estudios en humanos con potenciadores de NAD y, hasta ahora, no ha habido toxicidad, ni siquiera una pizca de ella”.

Making an informed decision: Is taking NMN safe for you?

The decision to take an NMN supplement is personal, and you’re wise to be thoughtful about whether it might benefit you. Beyond doing your due diligence, like you are right now, it’s a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional about whether supplementing is appropriate for you personally.

Lo principal.

By all accounts, NMN supplementation is safe and well-tolerated for adults—and even dogs. Of course, we’re not suggesting that endless amounts of NMN are perfectly fine (read about the optimal dose here). While people have a tendency to assume that more is always better, moderation is almost always a wiser strategy. After all, too much of just about anything, even water, can be harmful. But, when it comes to NMN, the scientific research to date and leading authorities in the field of longevity science have all drawn the same conclusion — there is no evidence of any untoward side effects in reasonable doses, which means you can take your daily Wonderfeel NMN sin preocupación. Maravillosa noticia, ¿no?

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