MIB-626: The new big NMN variant?
Don’t let the fancy name fool you: MIB-626 is basically in the same league as top-performing NMN supplements. How so? Both have a bit more armor to keep them stable as it digests in the body.
The NMN variant was the brainchild of Dr. David Sinclair, a respected Harvard Medical School Professor and the co-founder of Metro International Biotech. The pharmaceutical company created MIB-626 to initiate a crossover of NMN from the supplements market to the licensed pharmaceutical market. However, MIB-626 functions the exact same way as high-quality NMN supplements and produces comparable outcomes.
NAD levels drop significantly with biological clock progression. NAD depletion during one’s prime years can also trigger various age-related health conditions, like inflammation, cell dysfunction, and DNA damage. Researchers believe that MIB-626, a fancy name for a distinct NMN variant, can reverse these effects as powerful NAD boosters. This can lead to significant improvements in longevity and life quality. The same applies to the high-quality, stabilized NMN found in leading NMN supplement brands.
How MIB-626 stacks up against traditional NMN
Think of MIB-626 as a well-organized stack of bricks. Each brick is paved together so that it helps your body digest it in its original structure, feeling its full effects so that the cells can get a more potent NAD boost. Preliminary research suggests that this is MIB-626’s superpower because of its stable structure. But get this—most high-quality NMN products act in a similar way. The bricks might be stacked differently, but they’re paved together with the same base material, aka “salt,” making them just as stable as MIB-626. So, although MIB-626 has a neat structure, other NMN supplements can perform just as well!
Research shows that rising NAD levels via supplementation of the NMN variant can also slow multiple biological aging processes, improve cellular energy production, and enhance mitochondrial function. It’s additionally reported to support multiple crucial aspects of the aging process, like DNA repair, that could reduce the risk of age-related diseases connected to NAD depletion. This includes metabolic disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. Cool, huh?
Here’s how it works according to researchers: Once NMN reaches the bloodstream following MIB-626 consumption, it can help elevate NAD production at a cell level, enhancing overall cellular function and slowing the biological clock with increased aging protections. It’s the same with regular NMN. The makings of MIB-626 and the scientific deep dive into its abilities can be attributed to Dr. Sinclair’s substantial research efforts.
MIB-626’s distinct benefits over other NMN variants
MetroBiotech has expressed the belief that MIB-626 could outperform regular NMN and is on the verge of turning it into a pharmaceutical product. Still, there’s something you should know: anything that MIB-626 can do, NMN can do just as well (if not better). When stabilized with salt to strengthen its structure, NMN is just as much of a force to be reckoned with.
According to the Wonderfeel manufacturing team:
“We used a novel immobilized enzyme for our NMN manufacturing process that helps a very clean manufacturing process. During the final stage of our purification process, we used a confidential crystallization process that helped generate an ultrapure unique fine and uniform NMN crystalline powder. Every manufacturer has a slightly different crystallization process, resulting in different crystalline or particle sizes. We believe our confidential and unique final fine-tuning crystallization process gives us a uniform fine powder with unique crystalline NMN powder that helps improve the absorption at the intestine after oral intake of our NMN.”
There’s a lack of verifiable comparison studies weighing the differences between normal NMN vs. MIB-626, so taking these claims with a grain of salt is the best approach.
The latest in MIB-626 NMN research
Metro (David Sinclair’s company) continues to release more and more fascinating trials about MIB-626, giving it their seal of approval and validating it as a version of NMN that’s just as safe and beneficial as the original. Ready to discover the science surrounding MIB-626? Let’s dive into the work they’ve been doing.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study performed by Pencina and Harvard Medical School, researchers examined the safety of orally administered MIB-626 in middle-aged and older adults while recording its effects on NMN and NAD levels. Three groups of participants were randomly assigned to receive 1000 mg of MIB-626 daily, twice daily, or as a placebo over a period of two weeks. In conclusion, participants did experience a notable elevation of NAD in the bloodstream. Blood NMN concentration increased substantially in the group given MIB-626, exhibiting a 1.7 – 3.7x increase. Another Harvard study investigated MIB-626’s benefits a bit further, citing several positive effects on study participants, including hypertension, weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol reductions.
Continuous research is needed to explore MIB-626’s long-term effects on the human body, weigh the impacts of different dosages on human participants, and test its outcomes on individuals with certain age-related health conditions.
How might MIB-626 impact the future of new NMN supplement innovations?
Scientists are pretty convinced that MIB-626 does a swell job at boosting older adults’ NAD levels, but more research is needed to determine how it compares to other outstanding NMN supplements fully. Currently, preliminary studies of MIB-626 display remarkable similarities to regular NMN in terms of its function. While MIB-626 shows a lot of promise, these studies further solidify NMN’s superpowers in general.
Our eyes are on MIB-626’s ongoing trials and its potential therapeutic applications. For instance, Metro Biotech is spearheading phase 2 trials to investigate MIB-626 as a treatment for Alzheimer’s.
Consumer availability of MIB-626 NMN
It does appear that consumers will need a prescription for MIB-626 NMN as the pharmaceutical company behind it is marketing it as a medication. And while it is not expected to be available over the counter to the general public, there are a lot of promising applications that lie ahead.
The Army has goals to elevate troops’ health by any means necessary, including using therapies to enhance performance abilities that may otherwise wane with age. The hypothesis in question is whether higher NAD levels can counteract this by potentially contributing to a slower aging process, which has been demonstrated in several studies through NMN supplementation.

Other active clinical studies are also underway behind the scenes, in which one study investigates the efficacy and tolerability of MIB-626 in COVID-19-infected adults, as well as MIB-626’s ability to prevent worsening kidney function in adults navigating a stage 1 acute kidney injury. A separate trial seeks to assess the tolerability and safety of MIB-626 when administered to adults undergoing short-term therapy—specifically, participants with Friedreich’s Ataxia. This genetically inherited disorder impacts the nervous system and causes gradual nerve cell, brain, and spinal cord damage.
A successful demonstration of NMN safety, effectiveness, and bioavailability through these trials may lead to the further development of longer-term trials supporting the registration of NMN drugs. In the meantime, we highly suggest speaking with a trusted health provider before adding MIB-626 or any other NMN variant into your supplement routine.
Feel like new with Wonderfeel Youngr™ NMN
Each serving offers 900 milligrams of NMN, more than enough to feel the youthful effects of increased NAD. Our NMN variant is formulated with adaptive antioxidants tailored to your body’s needs, as well as sirtuin activation for a networked approach to cellular energy.
With regard to the creation of crystalline NMN, Wonderfeel’s manufacturing team explained the differences between their process and that of Sinclair: “We are using a food-grade ethanol-water system instead of the methanol-water used in the Sinclair patent, as well as a slight difference in the crystallization process.”