Tested, stabilized, and 99% pure, and supported by Youngr’s formula our NMN is protected from different types of oxidative stress to travel safely into the cell.
Ergothioneine (ERGO), dubbed the "longevity vitamin", is the most effectual element in mushrooms. This antioxidant accumulates in the body wherever it’s needed.
D3, a vitamin that the majority of people lack is crucial for the body, including generating stem cells in the gut, a foundational building block to good health.
According to studies, increased NAD levels help to
It’s a natural part of life, and embracing menopause means reclaiming control of your health.
While it brings a fourfold increase in heart and cardiovascular disease, research reveals a silver lining—women who go through menopause later often live longer.
With shifting hormones and loss of estrogen, we get fatigue, inflammation, and loss of bone density. In short, it’s a result of reduced NAD production.
Good news: Healthy ovarian function, overall wellness, and longevity improve when you get rid of inflammation.